Units of Measure
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Units of Measure (UoM)

Units of measure (UoM) define the type of quantity that is entered for assets. Once you have defined your units of measure you can select them for your assets from the asset properties page (see the Assets topic for more information).

Units of measure have the following properties:




The unit of measure name, up to 40 characters. A value is required and must be unique.


The abbreviation for the unit of measure, up to 10 characters. If not specified it will be set to the name (up to the first 10 characters). The abbreviation is what is generally shown to end users when entering data, running reports, etc.


A description for the unit of measure, up to 255 characters.


The unit of measure ID, up to 80 characters. This value is not required, but if a value is entered it must be unique for all units of measure. This is commonly used for synchronizing with external systems, such as billing or accounting.


The unit of measure status, either Active or Inactive. Note that you cannot delete a unit of measure if there are assets or asset entries that use it. In those cases you will instead make the unit of measure inactive to prevent its further use.

Default Decimal Digits

The default number of decimal digits (digits to the right of the decimal point) to allow when entering quantities using this unit of measure. This value is used when editing assets: whenever a new selection is made for an asset's unit of measure the asset's decimal digits value will be set to this default value. A value of 0 (zero) means only whole numbers can be entered.